What is Remote Online Notarization?
A REMOTE NOTARY is a legally commissioned notary public who is authorized to conduct notarizations over the internet via digital tools and a live audio/video camera.
One might ask, how can a person be identified if the notary is in a different place. The answer is that REMOTE NOTARIES have digital tools to assist them.
For example, REMOTE NOTARIZATION require that a customer answer identity challenge questions, typically called Knowledge Based Authentication, before they may sign a document. This ensures that the customer is who they claim to be. Also, because it is conducted online, a remote notarization can be recorded – allowing anyone to verify the transaction after the fact.
The name “REMOTE NOTARY” is derived from the fact that the notary serves a non-local customer directly over the internet.
Historically, the law mandated all notaries, no matter how they performed their services, needed to watch as someone signed a document. This required that the notary and signer must travel to meet one another in person where the notary acts as a witness during the signing event.
In 2011, the state of Virginia introduced something called REMOTE NOTARIZATION. Currently, there are 26 states that have enacted some form of remote online notarization (RON) law.
Note that this is moving rapidly and may be different when you read this website. We will post on our website as we receive word on new states.